Lee Trent


Anything is possible when the premise is false... It's vacuously true!

I'm a mathematician, artist, and educator from Champaign, Illinois. I am a PhD student in mathematics at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. I'm earned my BS in Pure Mathematics at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Indiana, in the Spring of 2022. I minored in German, political science, and astronomy/astrophysics. I've also taken classes with Budapest Semesters in Mathematics, Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education, and Parkland Community College

My mathematical research has been primarily in graph theory and number theory, sometimes applied to voting theory or art. I've also done research projects in math education, mathematical cognition, and astronomy. I've mentored three high school research projects, all in combinatorics.

I TA for the University of Minnesota and for the Art of Problem Solving (AoPS).I've also been a PROMYS counselor for the past four summers. 

I founded and organized the first three Sonia Kovalevsky Math Days for Girls at Rose-Hulman, and I'm a founding and current organizer of the Online Undergraduate Resource Fair for the Advancement in Academia of Marginalized Mathematicians (OURFA2M2), an online conference that aims to support and unite undergraduate mathematicians from any and all marginalized backgrounds and identities. I also founded the Rose-Hulman Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) chapter, and am involved in oSTEM.

This website was most recently updated on February 5, 2023. That means information on this site is accurate, not necessarily complete, as of that date. I do a lot of stuff! (I may have just hidden pages that were out of date instead of updating them...)

You can email me at trenthe@rose-hulman.edu